Dual reflective mirrored films without internal reflections
Dual reflective blackout mirror films without internal reflections
Reflective films exist in two particular types: classic metallized films (symmetrical) and Dual reflective films (asymmetrical). The main feature of the symmetrical metallized film is its construction method which includes an anti-scratch and anti-UV protective layer, a metallized layer and a transparent layer on which the adhesive is applied in contact with the glass. These films usually have the characteristic of being very long-lasting over time and of shielding heat very well (from 70 degrees upwards) however they have a disadvantage: they are reflective in the evening when it is dark outside and inside the house we have a very intense light . To overcome this problem, Dual reflective films have been introduced over the years. The Dual reflective film is a film that is built in a similar way to the symmetrical one with the difference that the last layer against the glass is not transparent but is characterized by a more or less dark colour; this feature means that, when the lights are on in the house in the evening, the reflection on the glass is eliminated. The disadvantage of the asymmetrical material (the dual) is that over the years it will tend to undergo slightly higher heating and cooling cycles than the classic film so this type of material will tend to last a little less than the classic metallized with the advantage, however, of eliminating the internal reflections of the glass. Dual reflective film is usually recommended when you want to shield an environment from the sun and eliminate a good amount of incoming light. The classic symmetrical metallized film exists in many different grades: starting from grade 40 (neutral, non-mirrored) up to grade 85 (extremely mirrored and shielding). The two asymmetrical reflective films, on the other hand, are darker films, with which more light entering the rooms will be filtered.